This fixture is designed to hold a test card in a cantilevered position. Card placement is a snap with a large tensioning knob. Once clamped in the test position, a stainless steel weightcalibrated to apply a force of 0.7N – is applied on the opposite edge of the card body. The resulting deformation is measured using the integrated ruler.
Crafted from aircraft grade 6061 aluminum/steel alloy bar stock and electrostatically coated for a durable long-lasting finish. Fitting and test weight are made of stainless steel.
How to use:
1. Clamp card into the gap as showed in tester picture.
2. Check the reading of ruler to get test result.
In case of calibration is needed. This tester is need to check weight. Use scale to check the weight to see if it is 0.7N.
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